In Ryan Ebner’s new Equitable Bank spot about being house rich, he directs a comedic and charming exchange between Frances and her chatty home. 🏠

Agency: The Hive @thehiveinc
ECD: Sacha Ouimet @snkrsachs
ACD, Copywriter: André Yumbla-Bell @all_dre_erry_dre
ACD, Art Director: Lena Soliman
VP, Client Services: Shawna Hayman
Account Director: Lauren Smith
Senior Producer: Adam Park @valiantproductions.tv

Production Company: Feels Like Home @feelslikehomefilms
EP: Marni Luftspring-Belavin @marnib
Producer: Kyle Hollett @kyleahollett
Production: Kita Nahanni @kita.nahanni & Dave Roncin @daveroncin
Director: Ryan Ebner @rfebner
DOP: Barry Parrell @barryparrell via @seslercompany
Production Designer: Dylan Jukes @dylanjuckes via @seslercompany
Stylist: Tania Pedro @taniapedro
Makeup & Hair: Pippa Leavy @pippa_leavyhmu
Location Manager: Lance Creighton @sirlanceloth

Editorial Company: Outsider Editorial @outsidereditorial
Editor: Michael Barker @michaelbbarker
Asst. Editor: Nathan Olszewicki
EP: Kristina Anzlinger @ninele80 & Madison Paquin @madisonpaquin

Post Production: Rodeo FX @rodeofx_film.episodic
Creative Director: Romain Demongeot @romaindemongeot
Color Artist: Benoit Cote
VFX Supervisor: Igor Boros
Producer: Émilie Debiasi @emyz.de
EP: Marie-Pière Poulin @mp2_she_her

Audio House & Music: TA2 Sound + Music @ta2soundandmusic
Director: Steve Gadsden @steveta2
Engineer: Ken Lo
EP: Dana Gadsden